Weekend pics

Haley and Kyle came for the weekend, my brother's two, and stayed with Gma and Papa. They live up by Chicago. Abi was fighting allergies really bad and not herself, but insisted she was well enough to go play with Haley and Kyle. Before we could make it to MTZ from Maroa, she threw up in the car 2 times, (lovely!) Anyhow- the kids had a good time. My mom made a family speciality for dinner and had everyone over.

I told the kids to do something silly-
Haley is really growing!!

Haley and Avri
After dinner, all the guys got prepared for a night at Macon Speedway racing- at Kyle's request. He loves to go! They are standing by the mailbox because someone in the picture hit it over backing out of Dad's driveway. I wont mention any names! :)
Bummed an hour later, they showed back up- no races that Saturday night, was the ONE Saturday night Macon takes a week off! BUMMER!
AND they cut our "girl" time short!
JUST a little tidbit..Avri has been sick all week too so I took her to the dr, our lil' girl weighs 25 lbs and 14 ozs!! ( thats 5 lbs less than her big sis!!) crazy!

Camera shy

I never thought Abi would go through the "camera shy" stage Ive heard about , but its happened. This is the child who used to ask me to take a picture of her doing everything!! I took her to get her 3 yr pictures taken recently and she just wanted nothing to do with it. We were at the mall and she was so terrible I apologized to the photographer for taking her time and we left. We headed to the pretzel store in the mall and we sat at the water and enjoyed a pretzel. She looked at me when we were done and said "OK, I'll go back and I will let her take TWO pictures." So we went back hoping they weren't to busy. She did just that- let the lady take two pics. She is the most HEAD STRONG, stubborn child!! But we managed to get one good picture.

Anniversary weekend update......

Just to update you on our anniversary weekend, we went to Peoria. We ate dinner at a fantastic place- I highly recommend next time any of you are in Peoria that you try The Fishhouse! It was very, very good! Fantastic fresh seafood- menu out of this world- Tony had Swordfish- it was delicious and I stuck with my typical favorite, shrimp. It was the best shrimp ever! We stopped at a little pub that looked interesting afterwards and had a drink, then off to the gambling boat we headed. Slot machines and playing cards at the Blackjack table was a favorite thing for us to do prior to kids. ( well maybe I should speak for myself- MY favorite thing to do- I think I could be an addict if I lived closer) We had a great night- Tony walked off a winner, quite a bit ahead, and I did not do so hot- but oh well- We had a lot of FUN! Then we stayed in the Paradice hotel across from the boat. And the girls had a great time spending the weekend with gma and pa-pa. OH, and Aunt Lorie while gma and papa were in church. (Abi says Aunt Lorie is THE BEST!)

I will take a pic of my anniversary gift to Tony when its done. I ordered a big rock for the flower/mulch bed in front of our house with our last name across the top and the CUBS symbol below it. He was surprised when he opened a wrapped box with a small little rock with that written in magic marker on it. We cant wait to see the real thing!

Ive been bad about taking pics lately- life has been a little on the hectic side!

4 years ago today......

Its our 4 year anniversary today! Looking back on the last 4 years- I can honestly say ( I'm sure Tony would agree) its been quite the roller coaster ride! But we've managed to survive! :)
He has planned a weekend get-away all on his OWN!! GOOD JOB TONY! Even the babysitting arrangements! He's called and got the hotel and has decided where we are eating a special dinner too. Awww.... I think this is the first time I have gotten to sit back and do nothing!
He has Avri today, and they just surprised me at work with a big, beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Other NEWS..... Abi has started pre-school. Its only two days a week (my choice, she is only 3 yrs, 3 months) Its Tuesdays and Thursdays, all day. This Tuesday was her first day- and I picked her up at noon. So today (Thursday), is her first full day. ( I have thought about her non-stop!!) We both think she is truly going to love it! They have so many activities, ie. music time, craft time, paint time, play time, etc. Great teachers! The first day Tony went with me and together we dropped her off preparing for the latching on- don't leave me tantrum. NOPE! She walked in with her bag, and a boy and girl were playing with play- dough, and she sat right down and they handed her some and that's all it took. We stayed about ten minutes- she hugged us good bye with no problems! That night she brought her first of many art projects home and taught us the songs she learned. Now today, she wasn't so ready to go. But once again, they got started on a sand art project first thing- and BYE MOMMY!
They have a two way window you can watch in anytime with out being seen- so I have stood outside the window both mornings to see how she is after I leave and she does fine!
Sorry no pcis to post- I wanted to take one on her first day- but I was so nervous ( how will I survive the first day of kindegarten???) that I forgot!