Its our 4 year anniversary today! Looking back on the last 4 years- I can honestly say ( I'm sure Tony would agree) its been quite the roller coaster ride! But we've managed to survive! :)
He has planned a weekend get-away all on his OWN!! GOOD JOB TONY! Even the babysitting arrangements! He's called and got the hotel and has decided where we are eating a special dinner too. Awww.... I think this is the first time I have gotten to sit back and do nothing!
He has Avri today, and they just surprised me at work with a big, beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Other NEWS..... Abi has started pre-school. Its only two days a week (my choice, she is only 3 yrs, 3 months) Its Tuesdays and Thursdays, all day. This Tuesday was her first day- and I picked her up at noon. So today (Thursday), is her first full day. ( I have thought about her non-stop!!) We both think she is truly going to love it! They have so many activities, ie. music time, craft time, paint time, play time, etc. Great teachers! The first day Tony went with me and together we dropped her off preparing for the latching on- don't leave me tantrum. NOPE! She walked in with her bag, and a boy and girl were playing with play- dough, and she sat right down and they handed her some and that's all it took. We stayed about ten minutes- she hugged us good bye with no problems! That night she brought her first of many art projects home and taught us the songs she learned. Now today, she wasn't so ready to go. But once again, they got started on a sand art project first thing- and BYE MOMMY!
They have a two way window you can watch in anytime with out being seen- so I have stood outside the window both mornings to see how she is after I leave and she does fine!
Sorry no pcis to post- I wanted to take one on her first day- but I was so nervous ( how will I survive the first day of kindegarten???) that I forgot!