Avri got a book from her school Christmas party, that had Dinosaur masks in it. They sure like scaring us with them.

A visit to Santa's house. The girls did pretty good considering. Abi wasn't to talkative and Avri, well she just wanted to get her candy cane.

Abi made yet another great Gingerbread house this year. ( Don't look to closely or you may spot Mommy's tape on the walls holding it up.))

Abi and Kaitlynn enjoying some pumpkin cheesecake after opening some presents for Christmas.
Avri loves her new bathtub toy from Uncle Rob.
Above is Abi with her first set of twin cousins, and she now has another set of twin GIRL cousins. Cameron and Peyton Delgado were born on Dec.13 in Houston. We cant wait to see/hold them. Perfect Christmas present for their mom and dad, Lisa & Carlos, two healthy beautiful baby girls.