Later in the day on Xmas Day, after we each spent time playing with what Santa left us...we celebrated at mom and dads with my sister & my brother and their families and my Gma.

Yeah! Avri got a vacuum! Now the girls each have one and can help me clean! :)

Avri was cute to watch! My dad passes out presents real slow so that we can watch what everyone gets...well Avri was right up there with him wanting more, more, more!!! She had us all laughing!

And Aunt Julie & Uncle Shawn are forever "heroes" in Abi's eyes! She got her jack in the box from them!

Devin and Austin.....always KEEP us CRACKING up!! Brotherly love! Their wise cracks to one another are insane- Dont know how my sister survives in her house!! I know Devin will be missed a ton when he leaves for the NAVY. He has joined and will be graduating from MTZ high school this year.
My gma and the little ones. Haley and Kyle made her a gingerbread house.
Abi and Daddy...Gma and Papa made her and Avri a very special Snow globe.... you push a button and they tell the girls " WE LOVE YOU"... It didnt get packed away with the Christams stuff- its on Abi's dresser for life- she loves it!

Ok- DO I try to explain this one or not? Haley and Kyle got Papa old lady XXXXL underwear- thats what they picked out for papa. Better than what he got a year or two ago from them- they got him poop. ( pretend... of course) All the kids think its so funny to tease Papa!!

Abi and gma...
Austin gets a personalized duffle bag for all the sports he plays.

Kyle gets a Nerf gun!
Abi climbing all over Devin
THE END! Hope you enjoyed the Christmas pics.... now back to day to day life posts.