What have the Tertochas been up to you've asked since no blog updates lately. :)
Well lets see, we have registered Abi for Kindergarten. There was a screening and no surprise she did fantastic. Thank goodness her shyness didn't steer her away from letting all her knowledge shine through! We go one evening in April for a tour, its a new school and Tony nor I have been through it.
Abi is going to be a flower girl in my cousins wedding in June. We have the dress from Davids Bridal and she tried it on and she was just beautiful! Looking forward to the special day!
Avri is working on potty training. She loves "wearing " underwear in the house but come bedtime she doesn't want to give them up- but we aren't anywhere near ready for that yet.
The girls fight more than ever now- (Joy, Joy!). It usually doesn't last long- but its over everything and anything. :)
We've had few nice weather days that we've made some visits to the park. Abi has asked to take her training wheels off of her bike. We will be attempting that this summer. :)
We cant wait to get our camper out of storage- Looking forward to using it this summer!
Avri went roller skating for her first time at her cousins birthday party in Chicago in February. She was a natural- She put those skates on and away she went- like she had done it a thousand times already.
Tony and I recently had some much needed adult time. We went to Peoria for the weekend with 3 other couples. Had a fantastic time, a fabulous dinner at Fishhouse and "donated" some money to Paradice boat.... out of 8 of us- no one walked away a winner. Oh well- getting away and having fun was the main thing- and we most definitely did that!
We finally went to Fuji Steakhouse. We loved the food- the girls enjoyed the "show". As you can see below, First time ever Abi has had chopsticks in her hands and she knew exactly how to eat and ate her dinner with them- very well I might say. On the way home she told Tony and I she knew how to eat with chop sticks because she had seen it on Little Bear. ( so cute!!)
We went with another couple- Valerie and Brad. the girls just adore Valerie.
My parents are home safe from their month and half trip to Florida. We're glad to have them back and they really enjoyed themselves!
And how could I forget, Tony went to Houston and spent a week with our newest nieces, Cameron and Peyton. It was his first visit to Houston since his sister has moved there. Next time I want to go! I can not wait to see the twins! They are so beautiful. It gave Tony "baby fever" when he first got home.....thank goodness that has worn off. :)
Basically we just CAN'T WAIT for SUMMER!

Valerie and I in Tony's Truck on our way to Fish house. ( peoria)

This would be late that night in the back of our our taxi. I really didn't get any good pics from the night, if Valerie has some I will post more. :)