A few randoms real quick to start the weekend off with!
The girls playing dress up...
This would be Avri and one of her wonderful teachers at daycare, at the Carnival put on by the daycare. She loves her Ms. Kelsey!
I took Abi and my mom to the Alice in Wonderland play at the Little Theater on the Square in Sullivan- it was very good! Abi is in line to get Alice's autograph here...
The girls and I spent the day at the Bloomington- Normal pool- what an awesome place it was! Very clean and kid friendly...too bad we waited til the end of the summer to go- we will definitely be visiting there more next summer! Girls had a blast!
As much as I tried to slow it down, the day came. Abi has officially started Kindergarten. She has been very excited to get started, and excited to see her new classroom. She has shown us NO fear of this day, which as a parent I should be very happy about that, right?! Well, it has made it a little easier. I say a little- I'm the one having the hard time (no surprise- huh?!) The whole bus thing bothers me- but from talking to other moms I'm not alone. And this BUS thing is what she is so excited for, too! There comes a time when we can no longer hold their hands...and this is one of those times.

And now as I type this its Day 4 and I get a little bit each day from her about her new Kindergarten days. This is what I have learned so far: She likes her teacher and her PE teacher, she pledges the flag each morning, she gets to go to the bathroom by herself ( OH AND the lights come on all by them self when you walk into the bathrooms!!! :), she has to raise her hand to talk, she sits by a nice girl named Ava.
A few shots of her first morning loading the bus....

I'm very excited now that I have the first day jitters over, and very excited about the learning and growing Abi is going to do over this school year.
I can't leave Avri out! She too is excited for her Big sister and the new things going on in her life. She had to see her sissy get on the school bus on the second day....and she talks about when SHE will be starting Kindergarten.... ( not for a long time if Mommy can help it!! :)
Avri has graduated to a bigger age room at Daycare and started a few days ago. She is doing wonderful with the exception she misses her old teachers- they were great!
Girls Road Trip
Recently, we had a Saturday Girls Road trip. Not the same as "girls road trips" 15 years ago- BUT I must say I think this kind is much more fun! The girls and I headed to St. Louis and went to the Magic House. What a fun place for little ones!! Hours upon hours of fun was had!!

After the St Louis Magic House we headed downtown to the Arch. We walked around outside and inside. Spent about an hour or so inside walking thru the museum. Abi was a bit upset that we didnt get to go up in it. But they were over three hours behind on the rides up- I was NOT waiting around that long!
Dipping Dots...melting quicker than they can eat them.
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