Unfortunately- as you see here -Avri doesnt know yet how to play gentle with a baby. Avri gave baby Luke his first bloody nose...ughhh... she was teasing him and taking his paci in and out- and then when he was using her baby toys that had been moved to the basement for MONTHS- bouncy seat, and excersaucer- she was getting a bit jealous.

UH-OH- MIKE ARE YOU A CUBS FAN NOW? :) Had to say it!! ( He's a big Cardinal fan- Tony only has Cubs huggies- so Mike was out of luck- ( i have a feeling next time he'll bring his own!)

Saturday we played around the house all morning-playdo, coloring, games,etc. and then we got the girls in dresses and headed to the mall to see the Easter Bunny and have pics taken. BUT.. no pics to post- Avri was shaking & trembling when we got up to the Easter Bunny- and had the tightest grip on Tony- so he walked away with her and Abi and I just sat there and talked to him and even she didn't want her picture taken with him- so maybe next year!

Does anyone see any babies in this pic above? ...they played with play- do off and on all wekeend- and once I looked over at them and thought.... WHERE ARE MY BABIES????...and yes.. it makes my eyes fill up......
Avri and her cousin Devin.