The girls bring up Florida on a daily basis, and as I know we will get them to see the Magical Castle that all their favorite princesses live in,,, we are trying to wait it out until naps are not a Must...and they can actually stay up past sundown with out turning into GRUMPY bears. Well, its not just the Magical Castle they want to see. Abi is so anxious to see the ocean. She knows all about it from Gma who travels alot and once brought her back seashells. So a few nights ago...she gets her seashells and spreads them all over the bottom of her bathwater...and says...Its her ocean and played forever!
Abi has again started the frequent fevers and couch bound. For those that dont already know, she is getting her tonsils out soon. She isn't aware quite yet, only because she is a worrier, like her mommy. They booked us practically 5 weeks from the date we were why tell her that soon, right?! I am looking for the book Good Bye Tonsils, should help me to explain to her too. Found on-line, but looking for it locally.
I personally did not make any New Years resolutions, did you? I instead made "2011 Goals". Wish Me Luck! Nothing is unreachable!
Abi got Just Dance for Kids on Wii, she is getting better and better. Tony and I try it sometimes with her....quite COMICAL!! :) When I need a laugh...( hope he doesn't read this...) I watch a video I recorded of Tony dancing to "Celebration."
Avri has moved to a big girl room at daycare. She is doing fine with the move and now has Journal time!! I'm excited because she isn't much like her sister was at this age- who constantly wanted a pencil in her hand. Avri would rather show you her Booty dance or just simply have a conversation about ANYthing.
Abi is doing great at Kindergarten still, getting more sight words under her belt. She got her first report card recently and did amazing!
We are coming up on a weekend! Hope you make it amazing!
The girls and I decorated jars for Valentines Day .50 cent deal of the week find ( the jars) and used ribbons and craft stuff we already had...
More Christmas
I did so good updating the blog over my holiday vacation time...but not so good now that we are back in swing of things. I still had more Christmas pics to get posted and today's roads are so icy, so what a better way to spend the lunch hour!
Later in the day on Christmas, we headed out to my moms, and spent the day with my parents and my brother and sister and their families.
Here is my fashionista niece, Haley, who is growing up ENTIRELY too fast!
And her cutie pie brother, Kyle.And the present opening begins!
Tony gets his very own LARGE size of jalapeno pickles. My parents make them and Tony absolutely loves them and eats them with everything!!
Abi gets her piano she wanted from Gma and Papa.
Haley- you're lucky your new boots aren't in my size!! Love them!!
Our living room a few days after Christmas- too much stuff!! I let them have it all spread out for about two weeks and then I wanted our living room back to normal!:)
Winter Fun
The first big snow we had, Tony took Abi out and they built a small tunnel for her to crawl under. Then when Avri got up from nap- they went out and sled down the small incline we have on the way to the park. They were having so much fun- but entirely too cold to stay out too long!
Avri decides she wants to make snow angels.
Once again, we were playing around with the camera, I let the girls play with it too and take some pics- and we tried the timer too. They were so giggly if you cant tell. Love moments like these!!
Over the holiday break, Tony and I took the girls roller skating and to the Yogi Bear movie. Movie was cute; roller skating, well Avri had a MAJOR meltdown when we took her skates off- its a two hour session you know, she didn't quite get that.
Santa came!!! Santa Came!!!
Santa came to our house, did he come to yours? ( oh! and the tooth fairy too- she must think those that lose teeth on Christmas Eve are special and deserve an extra gold dollar coin because Abi got TWO this time....)
The girls came and got Tony and I up and we all went into the living room together to find Santa had been!! I was relieved!! :)
Wasnt sure if he would think they had been good enough all year :)
Abi instantly hops on her Tinkerbell scooter...
Loves her scooter- can you tell? :)
Avri got a Fashion show ....thing. With a short runway that lights up and speakers to plug into her Barbie music.
Santa must know that since her addiction with Barbie Fashionista she does fashion shows constantly. They consist of dancing, twirling and lots of smiling...(from her and I. :)
Checking out all the Santa surprises before we start in on from Mommy and Daddy gifts....
This outfit is SO Avri- fun and loud!
Abi got Tangled for her Leapster...
Avri got her OWN Leapster... ( been wanting to play with big sissy's lately)
AND LAST .......The DSI she has been wanting. We got big hugs for that one-
Immediately they had to set the DSI up....
We had a wonderful Christmas and we hope you and your family did too. Spending time with Tony and the girls, and my family, and all of Tony's family is a true blessing. It is sad to think of the loved ones that are not with us during these holidays- however, we are creating new memories to add to the old that we will ALWAYS have in our hearts.
Christmas EVE....
Before we headed out to my Mom and Dads house...Abi was doing some posing for me. There was something special that she wanted captured. She lost her second tooth today. Yes, that's right...TOOTH fairy and Santa came over in the same night. What a special night for her!
There is the beautiful toothless smile!
Avri took this picture of my amazing Mom. I Love you Mom!!
My cousin, Chad, getting in with the kids play.
My cousin Kellie, who drives 36 hours to be with us on Christmas. Abi was her flower girl earlier this year.
Handsome Baby Chad
Chad reading Hansel and Gretel...the kids favorite. Papa must have had the night off...this is usually the book he reads to them...
We got Kellie and Nate a personalized doormat for their new home they recently purchased in California. Newlyweds and new home owners all in a short time! How exciting for them!
AND the white elephant game begins... always a good time!!! Always some good laughs!
Avri with her new dolly.
And to close the night, the group gathered around and played quarters. No, NOT a drinking game quarters, but a game with 3 dice, and 3 quarters per person and depending on what you either move your quarter to the left, to the right, or to the center..and it goes until someone is the last person with a quarter and they win the pot......and the winner was.......AVRI!! ( look whose getting the quarters....her sissy)
There is the beautiful toothless smile!
Avri took this picture of my amazing Mom. I Love you Mom!!
My cousin, Chad, getting in with the kids play.
My cousin Kellie, who drives 36 hours to be with us on Christmas. Abi was her flower girl earlier this year.
Handsome Baby Chad

Chad reading Hansel and Gretel...the kids favorite. Papa must have had the night off...this is usually the book he reads to them...
We got Kellie and Nate a personalized doormat for their new home they recently purchased in California. Newlyweds and new home owners all in a short time! How exciting for them!
AND the white elephant game begins... always a good time!!! Always some good laughs!
Avri with her new dolly.
And to close the night, the group gathered around and played quarters. No, NOT a drinking game quarters, but a game with 3 dice, and 3 quarters per person and depending on what you either move your quarter to the left, to the right, or to the center..and it goes until someone is the last person with a quarter and they win the pot......and the winner was.......AVRI!! ( look whose getting the quarters....her sissy)
I think I heard Austin say...Ive been playing for 16 years and haven't won the pot yet and Avri won! :)
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