Kindergarten Queen
This would be Abi's school picture.So pretty. She is still enjoying Kindergarten so much. Amazing what she has learned in the first quarter. She now knows 8 sight words and loves to have Tony and I read her books and let her read the sight words. We had our first parent/teacher conference and to no surprise rec'd a great report.
Mickey Mouse 3rd Birthday Party
We always let the girls pick what kind of party they want and Avri kept going back to Mickey Mouse. So a Mickey Mouse party was had! Avri, our baby, turned three. Not so much a baby anymore...sniff, sniff.
I let Abi pick out her own gift to give her sissy. After about an hour and half of up and down the aisles at Target ( she was putting MUCH thought into her gift)...she decided on the Playdough Ice Cream Sundae maker. GOOD CHOICE! The girls have had a ball playing it with it! Although- we've made some that look good enough to eat....and well..... we caught Avri trying one out. I'm sure she was disappointed it didn't quite taste as good as it looked!
Avri is the ONLY three yr old I know to get soo excited about a new robe! She immediately modeled for everyone at the party and wears it all the time!!HER FIRST BIKE! It was time. She has tried climbing up on Abi's a few times ready to ride.... so we picked out a cute turquoise and pink one with Doggy Foot prints.
Avri and one of her best buds from school.... Connor D.
Connor D checking things out outside. This is my birthday present from Tony and the girls~ a fire pit!
LOOK at this face! :)
It was a great party- it was a beautiful day and Avri had fun! Thanks for all Avri's birthday wishes!
Hopefully time will slow down .....I love the ages the girls are at right now.
First School Field Trip
Yep! you guessed it! Yet another trip to the Pumpkin Patch this season. This one was special- it was Abi's school field trip. All the kindergarten classes went. I met them out there and I am so glad I did. Another mother and I had 4 girls to watch over and help pick out pumpkins. They had a lot of fun!
This would be Abi's class. ALL SMILES!! She has a great teacher!
This would be Abi's class. ALL SMILES!! She has a great teacher!
Arthur Pumpkin Patch VIsit
Yes, we may visit Pumpkin patches more than any other family you know. :) Like I said in a previous post, the girls love them and mommy does too. The weather on the Saturday we went to the Arthur patch was just amazing! Actually hot enough for Abi to be in shorts and to even enjoy ice cream!!

Abi's pick- that she could barely carry..
I LOVE this one!! They are so sweet...
This would be Abi saying Statue of Liberty in front of the ship
Another awesome trip to the Pumpkin Patch!
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